WOMEN’S CLOTHES SIZES are, to put it mildly, a little crazy and inconsistent. One shop’s medium is another shop’s large.
Last week, Benajmin Ashton Cooper from Pennsylvania was helping his girlfriend throw out some old clothes when he noticed that some of the tops were extra large or “XL”.
This struck him as a little odd…
So I’m helping my girlfriend clean out her closet (literally, shut up), and I noticed that a lot of what she was getting rid of was of the XL size. That didn’t look right to me, and here’s why: They fit me. I don’t say that to be silly or ironic.
“It pisses me off,” he wrote.
I am not an extra large man, and, more importantly, a woman my size is NOT an extra large woman. This bulls**t right here is why we have 8-year-olds with eating disorders. This s**t right here is why men shout “f**king fat hog!” at even nominally curvy girls on the street. This is why men who think sexism is a “myth” perpetuated by liberal p**sies are Full. Of. S**t.
He described the disparity in sizing between men and women as sexist.
The fact that I got into both a men’s small and a women’s extra large is straight up sexism. Body shaming sexism.
The status has since been shared a whopping 279,000 times with women sharing their own frustration with women’s sizing in the comments.